Tuesday 7 August 2012

Living Relaxer-Free

Tap, Tap Tap … If you ever had a relaxer, you should remember those days approaching your touch-up, when your scalp was super itchy, but you couldn’t scratch it. I was reminded of this, one morning while driving to work. I was driving behind a woman, who was briskly tapping her head with her hand. It was quite a sight. The funny thing about it is that I knew exactly what she was doing. Her scalp was really itchy, but she didn’t want to scratch it, because she was probably going to get her touch-up done that day and knew the relaxer would irritate her scalp, especially if she scratched it. I’m sure others who seen her, thought she was crazy…LOL!

I cannot tell you how much I do not miss those days. Even though as of late, I have been recovering from my dermatitis and haven’t had a lot of time for my hair, I wanted to do a post about WHY I LOVE MY CURLS. Seeing that lady really got me to thinking about how blessed I am to have my curls and why I made the decision to go natural.

Here are a few reasons to love your CURLS or NATURAL TRESS:

·         No more relaxers and scalp burns

Photo: VisualPhoto.com
·         No need to run from the rain

·         Save money, unless you are a product junkie J

·         Curls have personality

·         Style versatility

·         Can wrap up the blow dryer and flat iron

·         Harsh chemicals can be thrown out

What do you love most about being curlie?
Belssings and Curls,

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